
About The Bicycle Story

The bicycle is a fascinating object. Far more than just a tool to get around, it is an intersection of sport, transportation, politics, environmentalism, art, style, and craft. Cycling’s rich history spans over two centuries and charts a growth from bourgeois hobby to mass-culture pursuit to world-renowned sport, billion-dollar industry, and political tool.

But for all its significance, the bicycle would be nothing without people. The athletes that devote the prime of their life to training and suffering in order to perform their brilliant feats of strength. The artisans that design and build the bicycles and components we ride. The advocates that work tirelessly to open trails and make roads safer to ride on. The dirtbags that get drawn to cycling generation after generation.

The Bicycle Story is a podcast about adventure, heartbreak, political intrigue, philosophy, science, history, and more told by the fascinating people that make cycling so great.

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About Josh

Josh Cohen is an independent journalist in Seattle, Washington. He’s in love with just about all forms of bike riding from two mile rides to the bar to bike touring, mountain biking, cyclocross racing, and beyond.

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