Tag Archives: cycling podcast

Episode 12 – Tamika Butler

Tamika Butler is the Executive Director of the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition. She’s only been working in bike advocacy for two years, but she’s already made a big impression on the national bike advocacy world, in large part because of her contribution to the conversation and work around equity, inclusion and intersectionality.

The Bicycle Story podcast is made possible because of listener donations. Make a pledge today to The Bicycle Story Patreon to help keep the show going!


Episode 9 – Stevil Kinevil

Steve Smith, better known as Stevil Kinevil, has been working in the bike industry for over two decades. In that time he’s been everything from a warehouse shipper to bike messenger to pro circuit mechanic to product tester. For the last 10 years of that he’s been chronicling his exploits in bikes, art, music, and drinking … first on Swobo’s How To Avoid The Bummer Life blog and now on his website All Hail The Black Market. Stevil’s experience gives him a long perspective on how the bike industry and bike world is changing for better or worse.

Photo by Forrest Arakawa

Episode 6 – Can’t Ride It If They Stole It

Bike theft is a growing issue in big bike cities. In Seattle, three times as many bikes were stolen last year than in 2008. In this episode of The Bicycle Story, we explore the problem, the police’s often lackluster response, how advocates are working to fight theft, and the sometimes crazy and dangerous lengths people go to get their bikes back. Thanks to Max Wigley, Brock Howell of Bicycle Security Advocates and Tom Fucoloro of Seattle Bike Blog for their sharing their insight.

“Dirt Rhodes,” “Danse Morialta,” “Raw,” “Big Mojo”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


Episode 4: A Brief History Of The American Sharrow

It may come as a surprise, but in some circles of the bike world, sharrows are a source of passionate debate. Are they a lip service from cities hoping to appease cyclists without spending any money or political capital? Are they a viable form of safe infrastructure? In this episode, we trace the origins of sharrows back to their inventor James Mackay, P.E., a former Denver bike planner and talk to bike advocate Noah Budnick and University of Denver, Colorado professor Wes Marshall to look at the evolution of biking and bike infrastructure in America over the last 25 years.

“Bicycle,” “Night Cave,” “Finding the Balance”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

The Bicycle Story Needs Your Support!

For just over five years now, The Bicycle Story has brought you interviews with cycling’s most interesting advocates, adventurers, racers, industry insiders, and oddballs from all corners of the bike world. And though The Bicycle Story is now producing podcasts instead of written interviews, the heart of the project remains people. They’ve always been the driving force and centerpiece of this site and they always will be. Likewise, The Bicycle Story’s content has always been free to read and that’s not about to change.

But, The Bicycle Story’s evolution to podcasting needs your support. Audio has the potential to open the door to new and exciting stories and reach even more people, but podcasting takes a tremendous amount of work. Each episode requires research, reporting, editing, production, and promotion and it simply isn’t feasible without the support of listeners like you!

That’s where Patreon comes in. Patreon is built on the idea that lots of people giving a little bit can do amazing things. Though similar to Kickstarter, Patreon supporters pledge a recurring monthly payment. It can be as little as a dollar and as much as you want! In exchange, you can get access to great rewards such as a members-only, behind-the-scenes newsletter and story round-up, and swag. If you are connected with a company interested in direct sponsorship of episodes, give me a shout at info@thebicyclestory.com.

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Thanks so much for your support!
